
Hey, you wanna see if I know my shit? Aight. Check out some of the real fitness transformations I've got with my clients below.  

Real, regular people just like you. Not bodybuilders, fitness fanatics or influencers fo' the gram. 

They were even nice enough to fluff my ego and say nice things about me *puts gun away

If you're interested in coaching, click this pretty blue button to apply:

“Josh Is the real deal no doubt about it! Every question and query that I had about the plan he had an answer to and could back it up with science and evidence. Most importantly for me he has walked his talk and got himself into ridiculous shape so he knows what you’re going through. I would recommend Josh to any and everyone that wants to transform their body”

“I was very nervous at first, I had so many questions but Josh answered them all and made this journey unreal. I dropped body fat and gained knowledge, because not only does Josh help you, he teaches you along the way

Getting to this body fat was very tough, especially limited by my home equipment but Josh was there all the time.

I invested in Josh as we went to the same school and he is one knowledgeable bloke, what a coach.”

"Josh has sculpted his online coaching into an art form, throughout my twelve week challenge Josh kept regular contact teaching me about nutrition and learning about core exercises for strength and conditioning. Over the twelve weeks I saw myself improve tenfold watching myself increase reps/weight with each week. 

I couldn’t recommend Josh enough he is a great motivator and coach he will keep you on track and push you further than you will ever go by yourself"

"After starting with Josh 11 weeks ago, I've learnt so much about nutrition, supplements, habits and training whilst dropping 10 kg in weight. He has a lot of knowledge and is an all round good cunt, I'm looking forward to the next 12 weeks where we can slab on some muscle"
"These last 8 weeks have been amazing! Apart from it getting me back on track mentally and physically I’ve loved learning how to do my own macros! 

Josh is a fab coach and been there every step of the way answering any questions or reassuring me when I wasn’t feeling great! 

Thanks Josh!"

“Starting this journey was really daunting for me, it something I always wanted to learn about, probably like a lot of people, but just never felt comfortable with doing it my self. It was so nice to have Josh guide and help me every step of the way and I never felt silly or stupid for asking anything! 

I dropped the weight, I lost the fat (something that I never thought would happen) and he taught me so much and also gave me the courage to push my self and self learn as well. Now I have a great understanding of what it takes and how to achieve it that I feel so much more comfortable with the whole process. 

If anyone is thinking of signing up I say do it! Don't uhm and ahh about it and just do it! He is a fantastic coach who has a fantastic plan and he is so clued up! 

I am always taking to people about how good he is and how good of a service he provides! And everyone agrees! We are friends from school and I am so proud of what he has achieved and what he is helping me achieve. 

Before I started Josh said "is this something you want to throw money at, or something you are going to change your life for?” This hit home, I was stung in the past by PT's who give you these unrealistic training plans and diets that don't work and that made me sceptical about doing it again! But I have seen Josh’s journey, I watched him for the last 12 years! I saw what he went though and how he came out the other side and honestly that's why I put my faith in him and I can safely say that I AM NOT DISAPPOINTED!!! if you want it and you really do want it, Josh is the man who will get you there!”

"I was recommended Josh by a well established and respected gym instructor at my local gym. Josh had only started working at the gym for 3 weeks and had quickly gained a reputation as a highly knowledgeable and experienced fitness coach. I was told he had a deep understanding of the human body and how it works. I was also told he was an expert on nutrition and it’s importance on a healthy lifestyle. What surprised me most about the recommendation was how he had gained such a swift reputation in such a short period of time. 

I signed up to a 16 week programme and my body and mind have completely transformed. He has been both a fitness coach and personal development coach and I simply can’t wait for each session. He pushes me beyond every imaginable boundary I have in my mind and I’m a lifting, pulling and pushing my body to the maximum. He finds away to tap into your psyche and make you believe you can create the body you want. And it works! On top of all this, between mammoth sets he always throws in inspirational quotes and sayings that really set you up for the day"

"Cast your mind back to the serenity of early 2020, all is calm.... Then all of a sudden over the hills of Instagram came this unicorn-riding, bearded magician into my feed. The scepticism about another "online trainer" sprung to my mind, but I held off long enough to do some reading. Well fuck me I was blown away by the knowledge! Now I'm a bit of a geek so it appeals but it isn't any of this "bro pseudo-science" bullshit, it's actual research with science (men in white coats) backing it up.⁣


So in February I took the plunge and I signed up, and I regret nothing. I didn't think I could drop below 100kg, but since being with Josh I've lost 13kg and I am now the smallest I've been as an adult. His no bullshit attitude has motivated me to succeed and it's been fun along the way! It's all been tailored to me along the way, and he takes on board everything. I look better, feel great, getting stronger all the time and the compliments have been rolling in.⁣


Don't be a dick about it, just talk to him about what he can do for you. You won't regret it"

"I began personal training after a really long period of struggling to lose weight. I had hit a massive wall and my confidence was at a major low. A friend suggested I try a personal trainer, so after spotting Josh’s achievements and great testimonials in the gym I was pretty sure he was the best and right choice for me. I was nervous about meeting him for our consultation, but he was so welcoming and kind that I was at ease almost right away. We set some goals and talked through all the things we could do, and we were ready to start training!

I’ve trained with Josh for around 16 weeks or so and the changes I’ve made really wouldn’t have been possible without him. I have learnt so much about fitness and nutrition because Josh not only sorts out workout plans, diet plans and schedules, he gives you the knowledge to help make your fitness journey more than something temporary. Thanks to Josh I am over a stone lighter, and with all he’s taught me I know I can maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle!

I am so much more confident in myself now, all the limits you think you have are only in your head, when you think you can’t do anymore, Josh is there telling you that you can, and trust me you can, just see what happens! The pride I feel in myself when I reach a goal or beat a personal best is amazing, and as I keep beating my personal bests and reaching new goals my confidence grows too. I have had the best time training with Josh, and even though the workouts can be pretty intense I’d still be laughing hard during our sessions. 

He has helped me come so far and motivated me to do and be the best I can, I couldn’t be more grateful for all his help. 

I am happier with myself, more confident, much stronger and best of all, thinner! I could not have asked for a better personal trainer, and I honestly don’t think there is one (at least not one that could have helped me reach 10 push ups, anyway)..."

"I’ve always been a little sceptical with online trainers. How can their knowledge of giving me a diet plan and gym plan make a change to me as a person. I had my doubts. 

It’s not only a diet and exercise plan, Josh gave me information packs that guide you from

•Motivational spreadsheets 

•4 rules of behaviour 

•Nutrition pack 

•Supplement pack 

•Training for fat loss & even why sleep is so important. 

All I expected was a guy saying eat 1600 calories and train at least two muscles per day. 

Nope Josh has a video for every single workout to make your confidence boost in the gym/at home. To how many reps, your stance and posture & how to maximise your muscle. So no daunting newbie feelings in the gym. 

I have just under 3 months left on this plan'

"Josh's advice on nutrition, training routines and breakdown of the coaching process are of the highest possible level I have ever experienced - and just so that you are aware, I’ve had coaches before. 

I've lost 26 lbs! I now no longer have niggles/pains in my joints, I now know the correct form on my bodies movements and how to get the best from training. I have got much stronger, and best of all, I can see my abs!"

"Besides losing 35 lbs in the 8 weeks? Learning about calorie deficit and how to set goals, also all that new whisky knowledge! "

Fucking do it!! Its a great step forward to changing your outlook”

"I recently completed the 12 week course with Josh to reach some goals I had been trying to achieve for some time.

From week 1 to week 12 Josh continuously took the time to check up and make sure I was happy with the diet and work outs. His open door attitude made me feel comfortable asking for advice and answers at any time. The work outs and diet were changed as we progressed which kept the training enjoyable and the body always guessing. 

Not only has Josh changed the way I train he has also given me knowledge on how to diet correctly and what training suits that diet at that time. Josh's name will always be the first I would give if someone was looking for not just a PT but a coach. The mix of  realistic/sensible dieting and training with Josh's enthusiasm, knowledge and enjoyment of what he does has made me love my training again.

Could not recommend him enough"

“Despite understanding the process of fat loss, I always struggled to keep myself accountable and was the reason I hired Josh. The service and education was I received was more than I ever expected. “

“I lost over 11kg whilst increasing my strength, adding 10kg to my bench press and also increasing my squat and deadlift. “

“Josh is great at helping you to understand the steps needed achieve your goals. If you are looking for a no bullshit approach to achieve real results then I highly recommend Josh.”

"I lost over 5kg and managed to achieve the same goal (fat loss) and feel higher in energy than before. I’d say do it. 

Josh is a cool dude that will help you with every aspect of achieving your goal: banter + knowledge+ science bitch = Josh Taylor PT"

"Josh's name will always be the first I would give if someone was looking for a coach. The mix of realistic/sensible dieting and training with Josh's enthusiasm, knowledge and enjoyment of what he does has made me love my training again."
"I had to stop with the excuses and ended up losing 20 lbs. online coaching for me was just a tool to get me back in the flow of training and it did that."

"Don’t be a bitch, man up and sign up!"

“I have lost 19lbs in 16 weeks. Bringing me from a clothing size 12 to an 8-10. I will be 42 this year and have never been in shape like this before! With visible abs and a toned/athletic - all from using limited equipment in a home gym.”

“I would recommend Josh to anyone considering using an online coach. I must admit I was a little wary as I had no clue what this big tough looking bearded man was going to be like! And what his expectations of me would be. His enthusiasm and genuine pride when you hit a goal be that getting your steps or workouts done (or for me managing to do an un assisted pull up) makes this process far easier”

“Josh tailors everything to your needs, goals and even what type of diet you enjoy”

“I am a working mum of 2 and if I can do it with Josh's support anyone can.”

"I had been going to the gym for a few years without much success . Long hours there and little progress. 

Finally I decided that a PT would be the way forward and decided to work with Josh Taylor. 

I should have done it years ago, it changed my life. Before I met Josh after every weights session I would would have days off as my shoulder/back or neck would be sore for days. 

From the first session he identified what needed strengthening and we worked those areas. 

He is great at identifying areas that need strengthening just by the way your train! He is a guy that knows his shizzle, be it training, recovery or diet. 

You will struggle to find a guy that can you train you better... "

"My nutrition knowledge and knowing which diets and fads to ignore was by far the biggest improvement I made over the last 60 days. I'd say find your fucking balls and sign up "
"Josh has completely changed my understanding of training and nutrition for the better and through working with him I have got in the shape of my life. His approach is simple and effective and gives you a genuine understanding of the principles rather than just the diet/training itself. In addition, you couldn’t ask for a more decent and down to earth chap to engage with "

Yo, you're at the bottom of the page now. But if you wanna work with me, then click the button below.

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